Dermatomyositis: A Comprehensive Review of a Complex Autoimmune Disease

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Monserrat Espinosa Ramos
Marisol Deleón Rodríguez
Alma Yaneli Alvarez Romero
Lorena Estefani Alfaro García
María Erika Boza Medrano
Susana González Hernández
Manuel Alejandro Coello Manuell


Dermatomyositis is a rare and complex systemic autoimmune disease that primarily affects the musculoskeletal and cutaneous systems. In this review article, the clinical, pathophysiologic, diagnostic, and therapeutic aspects of dermatomyositis are examined in detail. The characteristic clinical presentation of the disease, which includes symmetrical and proximal muscle weakness, as well as distinctive cutaneous eruptions, such as erythema heliotrope and Gottron papules, is discussed. The underlying mechanisms of the pathophysiology of dermatomyositis, involving a dysregulated immune response, chronic inflammation, and tissue damage to muscles and skin, are discussed.

Diagnostic approaches are detailed, involving the integration of clinical findings, dermatological findings, laboratory tests and, in some cases, imaging studies and tissue biopsy. In addition, the therapeutic strategies used are presented, including the use of immunosuppressive drugs, physical and occupational therapy, and supportive measures. The importance of a multidisciplinary approach and individualized management to optimize symptom control and improve the quality of life of patients with dermatomyositis is emphasized. This review aims to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of this complex disease, with the hope of fostering a better understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of dermatomyositis

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Monserrat Espinosa Ramos, Marisol Deleón Rodríguez, Alma Yaneli Alvarez Romero, Lorena Estefani Alfaro García, María Erika Boza Medrano, Susana González Hernández, & Manuel Alejandro Coello Manuell. (2023). Dermatomyositis: A Comprehensive Review of a Complex Autoimmune Disease. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 3(07), 1373–1377.


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