Optimization and Early Detection of Postsurgical Sepsis and Surgical Site Infection

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Dr. Ángel Gómez Cortés
Dr. Abraham Romero Mendoza
Dra. Susana Alejandra Arzate Muñoz
Dr. José Hisashi García Becerril
Dra. Andrea Álvarez Alvarado
Dra. Citlaly Michel Cruz Joaquin
Dr. Willy Jacinto Enriquez Serrano
Dra. Keren Magally Aguilar Hidalgo


Surgical site infection is a common cause of hospital-acquired infections. The Centers for Disease Control introduced the phrase "Surgical Site Infection" to specifically refer to postoperative infections, which can be further categorized as either "Wound infections" or "organ or space infections". The organization also established the criteria that delineate this particular form of illness.  Identifying the disease at an early stage and promptly initiating evidence-based therapy may provide a challenge. Early detection, standardized treatment after the first protocol, immediate management of the infection site, and the implementation of additional medications can significantly enhance the outlook for these patients.

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Dr. Ángel Gómez Cortés, Dr. Abraham Romero Mendoza, Dra. Susana Alejandra Arzate Muñoz, Dr. José Hisashi García Becerril, Dra. Andrea Álvarez Alvarado, Dra. Citlaly Michel Cruz Joaquin, Dr. Willy Jacinto Enriquez Serrano, & Dra. Keren Magally Aguilar Hidalgo. (2024). Optimization and Early Detection of Postsurgical Sepsis and Surgical Site Infection . International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 4(07), 1409–1413. https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmscrs/v4-i07-25


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