The Role of Cerebral Venous Pathology in the Formation Cerebral Ischemia

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Janna Nazarova
Nodira Abdumavlyanova
Nozimakhon Mirkhaetova


In recent years, there has been a significant increase in interest in vascular lesions of the nervous system, in particular, in venous discirculatory pathology of the brain. Disorders of venous cerebral hemodynamics constitute a large proportion among the vascular pathology of the brain. The complexity of diagnosing disorders of cerebral venous circulation has created a false idea among many clinicians about the secondary importance of this problem. Nevertheless, in clinical neurology by the 60-70s of the twentieth century, sufficient material had been accumulated to suggest that cerebral venous circulation disorders have a certain proportion in the structure of vascular lesions of the brain. At present, there is no doubt about the relevance of questions of etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment of cerebral venous blood circulation disorders, although the literature on this problem is not numerous

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How to Cite
Janna Nazarova, Nodira Abdumavlyanova, & Nozimakhon Mirkhaetova. (2021). The Role of Cerebral Venous Pathology in the Formation Cerebral Ischemia . International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 1(1), 14–17. Retrieved from


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